About Us

Welcome to Error 404: Show Not Found, an original sketch comedy group created by ordinary college students! We’re a crazy conglomeration of human beings just trying to project our self-deprecating humor and ongoing chaos onto a creative medium.

Error 404 was created in 2018 as a brainchild of student writers Chris Lastra, Chris Swilley, Cameron Hoskins, and Kyri Jones. With the support of Golden Eagle Productions, the show was officially launched in the fall of 2018 for its first season. Season One was a delightful hodge-podge of sketches, challenges, and gag reels that highlighted the hilarious chemistry amongst the cast and crew. 2018-2019 also marked the release of the Acting Lessons series, as well as the iconic first season of The Workplace, a series about two inept friends who compete for the affections of their new co-worker.

The second year of Error 404 promised to be one that continued with the craziness. We kicked off Season Two with a series of cast/crew interviews, featuring lots of behind-the-scenes footage and, of course, lots of random one-liners. Unfortunately, our 2019-2020 season was cut short by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to protect the health of our community, we made the hard decision to take a year-long hiatus through 2021.

Luckily, we are back and better than ever!! We’ve been cooking up lots of content in our break, and we’re excited to welcome new cast and crew members aboard as we begin Season Three of the show. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel to see all of our content, and subscribe to see where we go next!